So whatever your orientation is, these 9 schools are the best fictional magic schools and they do their best to satiate the curiosity of those who venture into them in search of knowledge. They may be real schools or schools from fictional stories but they serve the purpose. It is important to note and realize that knowledge is both a friend and an enemy as it has the potential to make you a better person or destroy you. Keep your eyes peeled as you go in. This article discusses the best fictional magic schools, their locations, fees, some scholarships, and all the other things that you should know.

What is magic?

Magic is the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible, such as in stories. It is also the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature. For millennia, people have tried to make the seemingly impossible possible by calling on some higher powers for help. This can be done through many means that involve incantations, chants, and some other songs and wordings that are supposed to conjure the desired effect.

Is there public perception about magic?

Many sets of people believe many different things and for many different reasons. There are those who do believe that it is real and there are those who do not believe that it is real. There are those who believe that magic is good and there are those who believe that magic is bad.To completely believe a single thing, you need empirical evidence of what you think or your belief. Christians and Jews believe that it is not good and that people should do away with it, move away from where magic is being practiced, or even remove from amongst their midst those who practice it.After all, the very popular book of Ephesians 6: 12-13 in the bible tells Christians that “This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world. For this reason, take up all the armor that God supplies. Then you will be able to take a stand during these evil days. Once you have overcome all obstacles, you will be able to stand your ground.” Pagans believe that those who practice magic in any of its forms do not know what they are doing, as they call forth what they do not understand. They believe that some neglect an important part of their lives because of what they believe. As Henry Thoreau wrote, “If you have built castles in the air, you do not have to lose everything as you can find a way to support it by placing a foundation under it all.” Due to the nature of belief systems, some people will believe and some others won’t.

Fictional magic

Fictional magic is magic that occurs within an imaginary setting, often not real. While it may not be real, it is believed by many to be real, and that has an influence on culture and the way people interact with what’s around them and go around in search of what can give them what they desire. Fictional magic is where in stories like harry porter, magic is studied and used to achieve some things that were otherwise difficult or stressful to do. In Harry Potter’s world, magic exists as natural science. For many modern Pagans and Wiccans, magic is a very natural thing. Furthermore, most Wiccans and Pagans agree that some degree of training and study is required to be an effective spellcraft. In an article that discussed how Wiccan Harry Porter was, the following was said It’s important to remember that Harry Potter is make-believe. It’s fiction. Harry and his friends aren’t Wiccans or neoPagans or anything else, they’re simply students in a magnificent fictional school of Rowling’s creation. Could you take one of Rowling’s spells and turn it into a “real spell”? It’s entirely possible you could give it a shot—but it would involve a lot of conversions to make it work. In fact, it would take as much effort as creating a spell from scratch.” This means that if you must do the real thing, then you need help and tutoring.

Best Fictional Magic Schools

1 – Grey School of Wizardry

Grey School of Wizardry Online school of magickal and alchemical arts was founded in 2004 by Oberon ZellRavenheart. The Grey School of Wizardry offers courses taught by leading practitioners to students ages 11 and up. The school is an outgrowth of the Grey Council, two dozen mages and sages who created the curriculum, and some of whom remain on the faculty. The school opened on Lughnasadh (August 1) 2004, and by early 2008 had more than 1,050 students enrolled. Its long-range vision is to make the wisdom of the ages available to new generations and the new millennium. There are 16 departments of study: Wizardry, Nature Studies, magickal Practice, mind magicks, Healing, Wortcunning, Divination, Performance magicks, Alchemy and magickal Sciences, Lifeways, Beast mastery, Cosmology, mathematics, Ceremonial magick, Lore and Dark Arts. Zell serves as headmaster. Youth students (11–17) are organized into elemental houses (Gnomes, Salamanders, Sylphs, and Undines), and adult students (18 and older) are in elemental lodges (Flames, Stones, Waters, and Winds). In addition to online studies, there are events, personal internships, and other activities. Primary handbooks are Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard (2004) and Companion for the Apprentice Wizard (2006), both written by Zell. Over 450 classes are offered in 16 magical departments. Graduates are certified as “Journeyman Wizards”, using the traditional title journeyman signifying one who has completed an apprenticeship.

2 – Ardatane School of Wizardry

The Ardantane School of Magick and Witchcraft supports the study and practice of magic and witchcraft through comprehensive, hands-on instruction, growing and sustaining a supportive community of learners and practitioners, and encouraging personal development, leadership, and service on all levels. The program is organized into three broad areas: Ritual, Divination, and Magick. Although instruction is often informed by the perspectives and practices of specific magickal traditions, the emphasis is always on universal concepts and their practical application, allowing students to incorporate the content of the program into their own spiritual or religious practice, whatever that may be. Ritual refers to the use of sacred time and sacred space to honor, celebrate, and manifest change in ourselves, our communities, and our world.

Instruction at Ardantane

Instruction in this study area focuses on understanding what makes a ritual experience meaningful and effective and developing skills in ritual design and leadership. Divination is the act of acquiring information, insight, and wisdom through intuitive, magical, or symbolic means. Program offerings cover both the use of divination tools (such as tarot and astrology), and more naturalistic methods (speaking with other beings and spirits, psychic receptivity, etc.) Magick refers to the focused use of natural energies, imagination, and symbolism, to effect positive change in oneself and one’s relationship with the world. Instruction spans the range from practical, everyday charms and spells, to spiritual workings of a more metaphysical or intangible nature. There is a strong emphasis on the ethics of magickal practice, and the role of self-knowledge and clarity of purpose in magickal work. Students may specialize in a single area of study, or integrate work in all three areas. Participation in the offerings of other schools is encouraged, to provide a larger spiritual context for magical practice.The program has three certificate levels, with certificate level one being the practitioner of magick and witchcraft, certificate level two being the magick and witchcraft specialist, and certificate level three being the master of magick and witchcraft.

3 – Culstar’s School of Witchcraft

Cluster’s school of witchcraft was founded in order to restore the old, correct image of witches – away from the indoctrinated image of the “evil sorceresses”, which they were denounced only in the Middle Ages by a misunderstood and abused religious power. We impart the knowledge of witches not only from a spiritual point of view but also use modern scientific knowledge and explanations to the same extent. Our witch school is not (in the negative sense) an esoteric or religious association! Interested people of all denominations, as well as “followers” of the scientific worldview, can attend our school with a clear conscience. But there is a warning: Witches are free and nature-loving creatures. They are solely responsible for their own conscience and intuition – they are free in every aspect. Culstar, the School of Witchcraft, offers a well-founded module-based and professional education!To be a witch is a way of life!

4 – Bothwell School of Witchcraft

The Bothwell School of Witchcraft is a place where you can finally live out your dream of becoming a real-life student of magic. The story, characters, props, and scenery will bring our school to life and leave you with an unforgettable experience! You’ll stay for 4 days, full board, and be sorted into your house, take part in lessons, attend a banquet, explore the grounds and meet weird and wonderful creatures. All of this takes place in our enchanting 15th-century castle.

5 – Magicka School

At Magicka School, the institution gives you magical training you can trust, based on over forty years of real experience and over ten years of online teaching. You can make new friends, share magical discoveries, and learn in a supportive and safe space here at Magicka School. The school teaches numbers these;

6 – Correllian Witch School

Witch School is the Seminary of the Correllian Nativist Church, a US-based Wiccan church. Wicca is a group of related, Nature-based religions having their origins in ancient practices but taking their modern shape in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The term Wicca was first applied to the movement as a self-descriptor in 1958 by Charles Cardell, who meant for the term to include a range of groups including but also distinguishing from the Gardnerian Wicca. Witch School offers degree classes in Correllian Wicca but also offers classes about other forms of Wicca, non-Wiccan Witchcraft, magic, psychic skills, and more. The witch school believes that it is best to learn as much as possible about as many disciplines as possible in order to have a well-rounded understanding of the magical practice. Members believe that Correllianism does put an unusually strong emphasis on the philosophical aspects of Wicca, and on the spirituality and inner mysteries of the Wiccan religion, but liturgically their beliefs do not especially differ from those of other Wiccan Traditions. Rather it is their attitudes toward the Pagan community and its future that tend to set them apart.

7 – Stonehaven Academy of Applied & Theoretical Magick

Stonehaven Academy was designed with fun in mind. The academy wants its students to enjoy the theme of their place, to lose themselves in the fanciful online, virtual campus. Why should learning be dull and old-fashion? Have fun. Make friends. Form clubs and interest groups. Tell jokes. Laugh and learn! The objective of a school of magic is very different from a school for accounting, nursing, or the law. In other words, a certification from the school won’t have much value on your resume but that does not mean there is no value in true magickal education.

8 – Grey Magick School

The school of grey magick believes in balance. Sometimes referred to as ‘middle’ or ‘middle path’ magick, it is basically the use of negative energy for a good purpose. For instance, using love or money spell to help another in dire need. Grey magick is performed with the hope for good intended results. Sometimes grey magick is the use of both black and white magick- a practitioner of the Craft who uses both aspects of magick (black and white) to achieve desired results.

9 – The School of Cosmic Consciousness

At the School of Cosmic Consciousness, you work together to build a spiritual community devoted to exploring your deepest selves, your intimate relationships, and your relationship with the Cosmos. The school believes that by doing this important work, they can encourage the world to be a more loving, more caring, and more respectful place. When you become a part of this spiritual community, you become a part of this deepening experience of your own soul in community with other souls seeking their own truths. At its core, the work of the School of Cosmic Consciousness as a student and as a teacher is to heal yourself so that you can do your small part in the healing of the world.



Yes, there are a number of real magic schools that teach real magic to students. Their curriculum sometimes ends in just magic or exceeds it.

Grey School of Wizardry Online school of magickal and alchemical arts was founded in 2004 by Oberon ZellRavenheart. The school is an outgrowth of the Grey Council, two dozen mages and sages who created the curriculum, and some of whom remain on the faculty.