These days, because of the high cost of education, loans become part of the education system. The students cannot continue their education without taking a loan. If you are a tenth pass student In India and looking for financial help for your further studies. Then there are many scholars available to help these poor students. Eligible students can avail of the advantage of ePASS Scholarship 2022 and enhance their dreams by filling the application form; students can check the complete details about Application Status & Form from the below provided details.
What You Need To Know About This ePASS Scholarship 2022
Students belonging to categories other than SC, ST, BC, EBC, Minority, and DW (Disabled) will not be eligible for Epass scholarship Telangana. It should be noted that candidates who already avail of the benefits of other schemes will also not be eligible for Epass Scholarship scheme. Students can apply for the ePASS Scholarship scheme by following the guidelines available below! To fetch more details about Epass Scholarship 2022, scroll down
Level/Field of Study
This scholarship is available for different levels and fields of study as it will be explained below.
Host Nationality
The scholarship is to be taken in India.
Eligible Nationality
The scholarship is open to all Indian nationals that meet the eligibility criterion listed for the different categories of ePASS Scholarship.
Scholarship Worth
Currently, various government or private organization provides an enormous amount of Fellowship Programs for international and Indian students, who want to study in India or abroad. This scholarship is not an exception. The essence of these scholarships is to make sure they help students actualize their visions.
Epass Andhra Pradesh Scholarship
Ensure eligibility criteria prior to applying for the scholarship programme:
Students who belong to the categories of SC, ST are eligible to apply for the Electronic payment and Application system of scholarship 2020.Aspirants whose annual parental income is Rs. Two Lakhs or below & BC, EBC, Disabled Welfare Students whose parental income is Rs. One lakh or below may apply.Students whose attendance is 75% at the end of each quarter are eligible.
Courses Eligible For The Epass Andhra Pradesh Scholarship:
Post Matric Courses approved by the concerned University/Board having a duration of 1 year and above: Group-I: Professional Courses (Degree and PG Courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Management, Agriculture, Veterinary and Allied Sciences, Business Finance, Business administration and Computer Applications/ Science, Commercial Pilot License course) Group-II: Other professional and technical graduate and PG including (Masters, M.Phil, PhD and postdoctoral research) level courses not covered in Group-I. C.A./I.C.W.A./C.S./ etc., courses, all postgraduate, graduate-level diploma courses, all certificate level courses.
Colleges Eligible For The Epass Andhra Pradesh Scholarship
All Post Matric Colleges in Andhra Pradesh recognized by Government of Andhra Pradesh/Competent Authority
How to find AP ePass Application Number
To find the ePass application number, students may follow the listed ways.
Choose the Academic Year.Enter an SSC exam number.Select the year of the pass.Select an SSC Pass Type.Enter the place and the date of birth.Hit on the search button to avail number
The process to check Andhra Pradesh ePass Application Status
AP Epass Status Andhra Pradesh Scholarship may be checked by following listed guidelines. To know your Application Status, follow listed ways.
Enter your Application NumberSelect Academic YearEnter your SSC Exam NumberChoose Year of PassSelect SSC Pass TypeEnter Your Date of BirthHit ob “Get Status” button.
How to apply for AP Epass Scholarship 2022
First of all, contenders may reach the official website i.e. epass.apcfss.inMove under the left side, choose a suitable link regarding AP Epass Scholarship.After reading all the details, download the AP Scholarship form.Fill the application form with correct and accurate details.Upload below mentioned documents.Preview your filled details and hit on the “Submit” button.At the last stage, acquire print out of duly filled form for future needs.
Reasons for Rejection of AP EPass Application
Epass scholarship application may be rejected due to the following reasons listed below. However, candidates can check their Telangana Epass scholarship status by login with their user id.
In case a candidate is not the bonafide studentIncorrect Caste, Income certificates are produced.In case a student is not physically present at the time of verificationClaiming scholarship for same level coursesNon-submission of caste, Income certificates.Incorrect course & year of the study mentioned at the time of filling the application.Non-submission of hard copy of the application.Previous sanction verification for renewal.Non-receiving of hard copy for the Fresh application.Non-receiving of the renewal proposal.Non-submission of documents.Discontinued/Detained students in case of renewals.Incorrect course & year of study.
Link To Get More Details About AP Epass Scholarship
Karnataka EPASS Scholarship
State Government of Karnataka provides Epass Karnataka Scholarship to Backward Classes. Students of Karnataka, who are unable to continue their education due to financial problems, may apply for the Karnataka Scholarship program.
Eligibility Criteria for EPASS Karnataka Scholarship
The applicant must be a resident of Karnataka.The student should have completed 10th or 12th class with a minimum of 60% or above marks.The candidate may belong to the scheduled caste or other backward castes.The family income of the Applicant should not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs.EPASS Karnataka Scholarship is for students who are pursuing any course currently 10th, 12th, undergraduate and postgraduates in the recognized institution of Karnataka.
Ways to Fill EPASS Karnataka Scholarship 2020 form
At the first step, visit the official site of organization EPASS Karnataka Scholarship notice.Go through notices with utmost care.Hit on Registration Link.Enter asked details in the EPASS Karnataka Scholarship form.You will get your application no. and password.Login in to your account with the help of application no. and password.Fill up the application form with asked details.Upload required scanned documents.Submit your Karnataka Scholarship form & carry the print out of the same for further purpose.Candidates also check their Epass scholarship application status from their login ID.Epass scholarship renewal will also be done through the same steps.
How to know Karepass Scholarship in Application Status
Students may check Epass scholarship status by following listed ways.
Visit the official website of organization on the application Status Button.Enter the below Details
Get Here: Epass Karnataka Scholarship details
Telangana Epass Scholarship 2022
The government of Telangana has introduced the Telangana Epass Scholarship scheme for SC, ST categories whose annual parental income is Rs. two Lakhs or below. Candidates can check The Epass scholarship status 2022. Also, students may apply for Epass Telangana Scholarship by clicking on the link placed here.
Required Documents:
Latest Passport size photographAadhaar Card of the StudentBank Pass Book first page ( showing student name, Bank Account Number and IFSC code of the Bank Branch(Not required for EBC students)Study/ Bonafide Certificate for the last seven consecutive years of Study CET (Common Entrance Test) allotment order for CET coursesCaste CertificateBonafide certificateOriginal Income Affidavit (signed by the Student & the Parent) Download format for an affidavit.
Important dates For The Epass scholarship status
Closing date to apply for AP & Karnataka: August annuallyLast date for Telangana Epass Scholarship Registration: Last week of October each year.
Note: I hope you got all the details about the Epass Scholarship 2022. Stay connected with us to get more information on WORLD SCHOLARSHIP FORUM. Candidate can avail more information regarding Epass Scholarship by going through this official link
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